DISCLAIMER: This e-gift card can ONLY be used to purchase apparel and accessories from Cabo Bob's Journey and can NOT be used to purchase anything from Cabo Bob's Burritos. Cabo Bob's Journey e-gift cards will NOT be accepted as a form of payment at any of the Cabo Bob's Burritos locations or when placing an online order at www.cabobobs.com. Cabo Bob's Journey e-gift cards will be accepted online only at www.cabobobsjourney.com and are not an acceptable form of payment at and Cabo Bob's Journey Pop-Ups.
E-Gift Card FAQ
Will I be mailed anything after I place my order?
No, at this time, we are only issuing e-gift cards and not physical gift cards. Upon purchasing your e-gift card, you will receive an email with all the information you need to access your e-gift card.
How can I access e-gift cards I've misplaced or never received?
You can click Resend gift cards from your order confirmation email. This link will only work if the order has been fulfilled.
Can a gift card be used more than once?
Yes, provided there is still a balance remaining on the card.
Can more than one gift card be used towards a purchase?
Yes. You can redeem another gift card during checkout.
Can a gift card be used to buy a gift card?
No, you can't use a gift card to buy another gift card.
Can a gift card be used to pay for shipping and taxes?
Yes, gift cards are applied to the final order total which includes shipping and taxes.
Can gift cards be used in conjunction with a discount code?
Yes, gift cards are a form of payment.
Can gift cards be reloaded?
No, you can't reload a gift card.
Can I customize the amount for a gift card I purchase?
No, gift cards are only sold as $25, $50, and $100 values.